
Showing posts from December, 2021

When Posting Original Works Online

 When we write something new or have a great idea for a story , we want to share it with the world! However, "Terms of Use" website agreements are contracts between you --the author--and the company that runs and/or owns the website. The contract covers many issues, but most important to an author are the areas concerning: The rights you retain to your original work when you publish on the site The rights you may be posting away. When we share online with the world, we must realize t hat we may be posting away our rights to control the use of the content of the posted article, poem, book-in-progress, screenplay, software, song, app or other of our intellectual property. Be cautious when you post, especially before posting your ideas. Posting ideas is significantly problematic because there is NO instrument to protect ideas, except silence. Until the idea is developed into an actual creative work, the idea is NOT eligible for protection. If you post one of the thousands of id...

Channels To Drive Book Sales

Introduction Understanding how online and offline marketing channels can work together is essential for your book's financial success. These channels, if consistently used together, can help you as an author achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It will also help your book build a continuous stream of income. Here is a short discussion and explanation about book marketing channels, and how they can help you become a more successful author: What Is A " Marketing Channe l"? Here is the quick explanation: A marketing channel simply refers to the places where you can interact with your audience. Each of these places, or channels, allows you to show your audience that you have a love for, and expertise in, your particular micro-niche. These channels also give you and your audience a direct way to listen to each other, and share information. This listening and sharing process is how meaningful, long-lasting, and profitable relationships are built between you and your au...

Revenue From Nonfiction Books

 As an author, it's likely you not only want to write, you also want to make money from your writing. If you simply want to write and have no interest in generating revenues, this post is likely not for you. However, if you want to make a living from your writing, read on. The first thing to do is realize there are many ways for an author to make money from their writings. Book sales are obviously one way, but not the only way. You also have opportunities through speaking engagements , consulting, coaching and information products. To be clear, these opportunities are more readily available for nonfiction writers than fiction writers. Yet, there are a variety of ways fiction writers can generate revenues as an offshoot of their books. Just to be clear, for this post, I am focusing on nonfiction authors. Book sales Obviously, book sales are the first level of revenue for an author. Amazon is one of the most obvious. But it takes more than simply having your book listed on Amazon....